Better Decision Support for
Better Urban Governance
BeDS for BUG
Better Decision Support for
Better Urban Governance
BeDS for BUG
São Paulo
Marinha Grande
United Kingdom
Workshop 2
Building the strategy using GeodesignHub
The Workshop
In July, Moss Side residents, councillors, and other community members gathered for workshop 1 to discuss key issues and outline community-designed principles for a new Active Travel Strategy.
The outcome of this first workshop was a set of community-designed guiding principles focused on shared public spaces, enhancing infrastructure for safe walking, cycling, and wheeling, and creating a safer traffic system that prioritises pedestrians and cyclists.
The next step is to consolidate all this work into a set of agreed proposals that will form the new Active Travel Strategy for Moss Side.
The community will achieve this by using a simple system to collect community proposals, which will then be applied in a hands-on project workshop where the new strategy will be designed, negotiated, and agreed upon by the community.
Collection of Proposals
We are collecting your proposals for interventions or policies to help create the strategy. These proposals will be used by participants in the 21 September workshop to design a negotiated new Active Travel Strategy for Moss Side.
Participate by completing this survey, which will gather the community’s proposals, solutions, and ideas for the strategy:
Use the survey to submit one proposal for an intervention in the neighbourhood or a policy.
You can submit the survey multiple times if you have several ideas for active travel.
The survey is simple to use and includes easy-to-follow instructions.
You can also attend one of our drop-in sessions or webinars (see dates below) for further support on how to contribute.
All contributions are anonymous!
We want to hear from you and bring the community together!
Please share the survey link with your friends and neighbours in Moss Side.
This survey gives you the opportunity to share your knowledge of Moss Side, along with your expertise, thoughts, and ideas, through this anonymous online platform before the in-person workshop. During the workshop, we will focus on negotiating and mapping the community’s ideas to create a cohesive plan. This map will be a key part of the Active Travel Strategy, helping us prioritise actions and projects into short-, medium-, and long-term goals.

Support to Participants: drop-in sessions and webinars
In preparation the workshop, we have planned a series of drop-in sessions and a couple of short online webinars. These will be great opportunities to ask any questions and get involved in the process. The timetable is as follows:
9 September: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm - Drop-in Session: Positive Futures, 125 Great Western Street, Manchester, M14 4AA.
11 September: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm - Geodesignhub Webinar 1: Online, join the webinar here
16 September: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm - Drop-in Session: Positive Futures, 125 Great Western Street, Manchester, M14 4AA.
18 September: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm - Geodesignhub Webinar: 2Online, join the webinar here.
To better understand what we will be doing in Moss Side, please have a look at this video about a similar project (with different focus and strategic aims) done in the coastal community of Cromane, Ireland.
Outputs [P] [C] [O] [E]
[No output was generated yet.
Project Partners
The project is a partnership with the Manchester City Council.
Research Team
The reserach is coordinated by Dr Nuno Pinto (University of Manchester) with the collaboration of Dr Erika Garcia-Fermin (University of Manchester and Mr Joe Ravetz (university of Manchester).