Better Decision Support for
Better Urban Governance
BeDS for BUG
Better Decision Support for
Better Urban Governance
BeDS for BUG
São Paulo
Marinha Grande
United Kingdom
Supporting the community to develop a voice for the redevelopment of the new rain station Coimbra-B
The renovation and expansion of Coimbra-B main train station is part of the new national high speed (HS) rail network investment ed by the Portuguese national Government. After yers of postponing the project as now been revamped and municipalities are dealing with its impacts. The municipality of Coimbra started in 2023 the development of a detail plan to integrate the new HS train station in collaboration with the architect Joan Busquets who developed he initial plans commissioned by the central government agency in charge of the HS project. Despite a couple of Q&A sessions and a scale model, the project has been contested by the local community for not having been heard in a true co-designed project. The association Coimbra Coolectiva promoted a consultation exercise summoning community stakeholders to contribute to a structured vision for Coimbra-B and the impacts of the new urban development that this massive public investment will potentially generate n the north area of the central city.
An approach based on the concept of Geodesign was used to collect proposals for interventions and policies that would make his plan better alined with the local eats of the community. The community constributed with more than 150 proposals via a georeerenced survey. These proposals were validated and used by a group of representative community stakeholders to reduce a series of plans that have been negotiated among the towards a final negotiated and agreed final plan representing the join proposal of the community.

Group work

Negotiation between teams
A full day workshop was used by different teams to design different plans and negotiate them in different rounds of negotiations. These negotiations were done after short pitches to present principles an objectives of each plan. At each negotiation round, participants would decide on what components of their proposals would be including in the new, negotiated plan. In the end all participants have negotiate a final plan, a negotiation that took some time and highlighted the contested nature of some of the proposals. These illustrated the ongoing discussions about the municipality-led plan, where the redevelopment of Casa do Sal viaducts and a possible new crossing of the Mondego river over the hoopla National Woods have been generating significant debates. On the other hand, new proposals that were not considered at all by the technical tea of the plan (new affordable housing better integration of the new development with the surrounding neighbourhoods and some public facilities) have been discussed, highlighting how important is for a plan such as this one to be well communicated and given to the community to have a say in its design.
The use of the Geodesign concept - using the Geodesignhub tool - has proven to be very effective among the participants, who stressed the simplicity of the process and its capacity to quickly generate agreed solutions for the plan as a major possibility to build the communities voice.

Negotiation matrixes

Final plans proposed by the community
Outputs [P] [C] [O] [E]
[O05] Workshop de Geodesign: ponte ou túnel – sai vencedora a ligação da comunidade às decisões municipais Coimbra Coolectiva, 16 April 2024
Project Partners
The project was promoted and funded by the Coimbra Coolectiva Association and with the participation of Geodeignhub..
Research Team
The project has been developed by Dr Nuno Pinto (University of Manchester) in collaboration with Dr Hrishi Balal (Geodesignub) and Ms Joana Araujo (Coimbra Coolectiva).